Saturday 20 January, 2007

Games of the circles of Intimacy

I have grown up with some of my own theories and one such is this circles of intimacy. I have always believed that there are three circles of friends/relatives/acquaintaces.

1. Inner circle : This circle of humans are the ones whom you open to most. They know the in and out of you and understand you as much you understand yourself. I somehow believe that if someone in the inner circle is not a critic if you, he/she does not fit to be in there as they really dont care if you are doing something wrong by branding it as - " Its your life ".

2. Intermediate circle : This circle of humans are whom you interact on a daily basis. You need them for everything. Afterall we are social beings. Life would be colorless without this circle. I have had terrific fun with this circle of humans and have fresh memories of events dating back 12 years too. They mean something to you, but still dont mean much.

3. Outer circle : You keep stumbling upon them every now and then and have treasured moments of life with them too. But there are rare instances when I actually think of anyone of them. Since I dont know them personally, many of their lives seem to fascinate me and have even wondered if I could have a life like one of them. Every now and then the truth of their lives being an external fantasy stares at my face.

I have seen these circles moving into and out of each other. The closest friends all of a sudden move out into the outer circle and with the advent of time some in the outer circle move into the inner.

Having pondered across and thought over for these hours now, I now realize that I can find a reason why each of the person who is in my outer/intermediate circle lies there and why they continue to lie there. But, I have never been able to realize why those who have lasted for long in the inner circle ever became my inner circle.

The more and more I move away from the inner circle I start realizing different faces of life and meeting more intermediate and outer circles hoping that a new entry adds on into the inner circle. Some keep trying to break into the inner circle and all of a sudden disappear out into the outer circle.

Am I happy and safe with the inner circle? Why are we unable to make a single circle in life. What is security with any one of the circle?

Solitude brings these on the surface and makes you think of such things. Within minutes, you are back to life not wanting to think of any such things. Thats the life I love.

What a game!


Unknown said...

Nice... However I am not too sure if time/knowing is an important facet of being in the "inner" circle.
I beleive that we operate with a certain wavelength. and this wavelength differs with each passing moment. People with the wavelengths closest to yourself will "resonate" with you. That might explain why friends "happen". You might know a person for a long time but will become close over 2-3 days perhaps...

Intresting topic nonetheless.. I will carry this on in my blog :P

Raghavendra said...

Very Nice.. Even though there are these circles in one's life, there is also something called "personal space" for each individual which should not be touched and cannot be touched.

That is why i think, that when it comes to decision making, even the people in the inner circles tend to say that "Its ur life".

What say?

Very interesting topic though.

Unknown said...

Yes....offcource its true.

But only the time can handle the issues.

Only situations can MAKE and BREAK anything in this world.....